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Bruce Speidel - Final Salute

Bruce Speidel S'63 June 15, 2022

Bruce Speidel was born on June 13, 1945 to the delight of his parents, Stella (a nurse) and Louis (an engineer). Together with his younger brother Roger, they enjoyed a joyous childhood on Edgewood Drive in Royal Oak, Michigan. Bruce attended St. Johns Military Academy for high school and graduated at the top of his class. He then attended Princeton University and graduated with a degree in literature Magna Cum Laude. He served in the Army for two years before attending Duke Law School. Bruce began a career in labor relations law at Pacific Power and Light, where he worked for 25 years. The birth of his son Colin in 1991 provided him with unlimited happiness and pride. Throughout his life Bruce enjoyed skiing, hockey, baseball, golf, hiking and backpacking, tennis, swimming, photography, reading and travel. Bruce had a voracious lifelong commitment to learning, and his intelligence was overwhelmingly impressive, yet he carried it modestly. Bruce lost his eyesight seven years ago and overcame his disability with strength and courage, supported by his lifelong faith in God. He maintained his commitment to fitness with swimming, cardio and strength training. He volunteered a great deal of his time guiding and mentoring those in need. He remained active in Bible study, book club and other groups. He was an inspiration to many due to his positive attitude and his belief in the fundamental “Work hard. Play hard. Pray hard.” Bruce is survived by his beloved son Colin.

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