Final Salute

The Final Salute is a final opportunity for the Old Boys/Alumni to pay tribute to a fallen alumni on the approval of the family. Old Boys & Alumni will attend the funeral of the deceased Alumni to pay a final salute on behalf of The Alumni Association and SJNA.
This only occurs if the family invites us to perform the final salute to their loved one. Every effort is made to be as respectful as possible to the family and fallen alumni.

The Final salute will consists of a group of Old Boys/Alumni paying their respects in the form of a final salute, then the reading of the school song and sharing of memories with the family about their loved ones time at the Academy.
The Final Salute was started by a group of Alumni in an attempt to pay respects to fellow Old Boys/Alumni that have passed away.
Michael Hoover (SJ 71), Gregory Van Praag (SJ72),
Lee Breitkoph (SJ73) & Pete Waskel (SJ76) are the founders of the Final Salute.

To report the passing of a fellow alumnus, past cadet/student or friend of the academy please contact Gregory Van Praag or Michael Hoover at the below contact information.
Gregory Van Praag at:
Michael Hoover at: